
Bio Potash liquid formulation

Potassium is an essential macronutrient required by crops. In India, 21 % districts are low, 51 % are medium and 28 % are high in available potash due to excessive use of high yielding varieties without replenishing it and "Luxury consumption" behavior of this macronutrient. However, there are considerable amounts of insoluble K reserves in many soils, most of which exist in alumino-silicate minerals from which K cannot be absorbed directly by plants. Technology Details:
The formulation contains highly efficient K-solubilizing bacterium Bacillus decolorationis, which can be used in different types of soils. The culture maintains a high cfu count throughout its storage. It helps plant to utilize K fixed in soil. Inoculation of K-solubilizer helps to augment 10-15 kg K ha-1. This formulation can be applied to crops like maize and potato.